
Friday, March 8, 2013

How Urban Outfitters’ #UOonyou Campaign Is Nailing Interactive

Many brands have opted onto the Instagram bandwagon, but few have given the reins to their audience and seen a return on effort like Urban Outfitters in their #UOonyou campaign. Here are two concepts that have helped enable their success.

Let the audience have an active role in the brand

The most obvious part of the #UOonyou campaign, is the YOU. Immediately engaging what all social network users care about (themselves), Urban has recognized and piggybacked on the exact purpose Instagram is successful.

And it’s an open invite. Urban hasn’t ruled who participates and what is posted with an iron fist—they are inviting consumers in. Users hashtag #UOonyou in their posts and if Urban likes what they see, they post it on their website. Is it risky? Maybe a little, but the payoff is huge. Your consumers are your brand. They want to interact for the same reason they buy your product—they want the culture/personality. So let them play with it. Taking risks with your customers results in trust for a continuing relationship. Because they want to show off their cut-off Cheetah t-shirt and you want free advertising. #winwin

Sell a culture not a product

A redonkulous number of Instagram-adopting brands have used Instagram (and Pinterest) with the same approach they would traditional ad space. Each post contains an image of their product with a link to purchase, and sometimes even an annoying price tag in the corner of the shot. Guess what? We’re all here for free, and in an opt-in culture that is just not interesting enough. What’s the story? Where’s the human factor?

Shots should be organic and reach at why consumers are purchasing your product. No business wants to be dependent on the success of one item, invest your customers with your brand. Something they won’t do unless they feel like they have a stake.

And to do this you need engagement. By allowing audience members to have an active role in the brand, a culture further develops that automatically evolves with the interests of your consumers. Users have emotional stake in the services you have to offer. Your identities are tied in a relationship that continues to strengthen as long as you both listen and adapt.

Know of other brands doing similar campaigns? Would love to hear it!

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