
Monday, November 25, 2013

Big Data and the NBA

In a digital world, data is everywhere. Never has human behavior been more measurable and tools to recognize patterns more accessible. So it should be no surprise that in sports, the figure-fondling arena of commentators and insatiable enthusiasts, big data is changing the way in which we watch.

The best example is the NBA.

In a announcement from the sport organization, best outlined in an article from Fast Company, the NBA has partnered with SAP and STATS LLC to elevate expectations to an free interactive real-time platform that layers specific data points for fans.

The platform works through a six-camera system that tracks the players’ names, numbers, and the ball. The data is stored under three silos: in-game tracking, historical data, and video. So, fans can collect and compare favorite teams or players’ stats and film. According to Michael Gliedman, senior vice president and chief information officer for the NBA, they are aspiring to a database with 4.5 quadrillion permutations.

This investment in measurement by the NBA is an exceptional example of how sports organizations are pushing to deepen engagement with fans and get more use out of their content. And with cutting-edge programs such as these, the idea of fantasy sports no doubt just got a whole lot more fantastic.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Campaigns Worth Noting: Land Rover's #IAMDRIVEN Campaign

Personalization is the honey of the comb that is social media marketing. People buzz and remain around a brand that allows them to be and share who they are.

Land Rover understood that when they joined up with Men's Journal, ESPN and Outside magazine to create the #IAMDRIVEN contest to highlight the launch of the all-new Range Rover Sport.

The contest asks for fans and owners of Land Rover to share on Instagram and Twitter their storyboard/video about how they are "driven to another level." 

The recorded feats will then be evaluated, according to Luxury Daily, by a panel based on creativity, nature of challenge and visual fulfillment of overall theme (aka brand compatibility and usefulness). 

Land Rover will then choose six winners to profile and the overall winner will be treated to a two-night stay at the The Land Rover Experience Driving School at the Quail Lodge in Carmel, CA. The previously listed media partners will then be highlighting a series of videos about daring outdoorsy individuals such as paragliding photographer George Steinmetz and underwater explorer David Lang.

This campaign epitomizes brand contests happening on social media that unify both the consumer and brand's interests. The brand provides the arena for customers to tell their personal stories and have a bit of fun, while the brand profits off the publicity and the excitement of its fans. And then when it comes to recognize a winner, the brand gives a special arena that all participants feel they have a stake in and outsiders can be drawn into, all of which feel rewarded by the success of a single participant.

It's clever, cost-effective, and most importantly engaging. The #IAMDRIVEN campaign has all the makings for great outreach and customer engagement, I just hope selected winner will drive the Range Rover Sport 2014 equally as wild.